Integrated Product Development – Fact or Fantasy?

Presenter Steve Schneider

Steve Schneider has been working with configuration technology since 1993. Although he has worked with multiple different configurators, he has focused primarily on SAP since 1997. Steve has been a CWG member since 1999. He is an avid motorcyclist and can also be found searching the world for good microbrew beers.

Steelcase, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Abstract This presentation will focus on the Product Development value stream and the abilities (or inabilities) to leverage and reuse the information. The key is to discover where the information is FIRST entered into the process and reuse that information without another human touching it. Does this capability exist today? Some claim it does. This presentation will attempt to point out some of the facts and fantasies surrounding those claims.
You will also be invited to participate in a round table discussion on this topic during the breakout sessions on Day 2.

Intermediate: Modeler, Configuration Dir/Mgr

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