Welcome to the SAP Configuration Workgroup!
The Configuration Workgroup (CWG) is an international user group of SAP customers and partners, focused on the topic of product and solution configuration as implemented in the Variant Configurator (LO-VC), SAP Variant Configuration and Pricing (aka CPS), SAP Solution Sales Configuration (SSC), S/4HANA Advanced Variant Configuration (AVC) or SAP Internet Pricing and Configurator (SAP IPC), be it deployed on-premise or in the cloud. A further topic is the integration into front-end solutions such as SAP CPQ, SAP Commerce Cloud or custom projects. We even discuss products or product version that are still in development.
We are a non-profit, member-driven organization, with more than 1500 member companies, 200+ partner companies and over 4800 members. CWG is one of the very few industry groups of its kind, with a unique mission to promote knowledge exchange in the area of SAP product configuration and influence future SAP direction. This community consists of experts, seasoned by long, hard project experience, newbies who want to come up to speed, managers who need to understand the business side of configuration technology, vendors who add-on to SAP's configuration technology, and many others located somewhere in-between.

CWG members hold two large global conferences per year, one in Europe (see our traditional group photo from Dubrovnik 2024) and one in North America - or virtual/hybrid during pandemic. At these conferences, 150 and more enthusiasts meet for several days to exchange ideas and best practices and discuss with SAP developers. Our website (registration required!) is a fountain of information that our community gathered over the last 20+ years. In addition, several local chapters exist and meet in between the conferences. Last but not least, there is a lively forum with thousands of expert posts, there are webinars, blogs, ...
If you are interested in becoming a member of CWG, please see the Membership section or contact us using the information in the Contact Us page.
The video below shows some impressions from the Spring 2018 conference in Berlin with testimonials from SAP, Customers and Partners.