115 Users on the sandbox and reminder for web-based access

CWG Sandbox has been growing steadily, we now have 115 members. In this blog I will also show you how to access the sandbox if you are behind a corporate firewall.

As a reminder, CWG sandbox is an SAP ERP (ECC6) system with pretty much the latest support packs and your CWG membership status entitles you to a free account at the sandbox, request it at:


Also, as Steve Schneider reminded me, many of you are behind corporate firewalls and not able to connect to the sandbox using the standard SAP GUI. You can still make use of the sandbox using the web-based UI access:


Please do not use the https:// announced earlier, we have discontinued it.

And with these settings you will be able to get to the web login screen of the CWG sandbox:

CWG web login

Any problems - contact me at sandbox@configuration-workgroup.com

Happy playing in the sandbox, Daniel