Study Results - Opportunity/quote to Order Cycle for Mfg of Complex CTO and ETO products/solutions

Presenter Jane Barrett


As an analyst with AMR Research’s Research and Advisory Group, Jane Barrett specializes in supply chain research for manufacturers. Jane covers trends and best practices in supply chain with a specific focus on Sales & Operations Planning, Supply Management, Supplier Relationship Management, Scorecards, and Collaborative Commerce.

Jane brings over 20 years of experience in business consulting and ERP to her role as a research director. She has helped global organizations and mid-market manufacturers plan, design, and implement solutions that achieve their business objectives, involving globalization, standardization and change management. She has led the development of tools and methodologies to enable project management, process design, lean initiatives, and performance metrics.  Jane earned her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Natal, South Africa.


AMR Research,  Boston, Massachusetts

Abstract AMR Research conducted a study of the opportunity/quote to order cycle in manufacturers of complex configure and engineer to order products/solution. While many of the technologies supporting these processes are advanced, manufacturers still struggle with adoption and deployment, as well as organizational and technical challenges. What our study focused on, and will be shared in this session, includes:
-          4-stage maturity model of the opportunity to cash cycle
-          what leaders have achieved
-          overcoming the challenges and barriers
-          enabling technologies
-          what the future holds

General Audience, Business Managers, Configuration Dir/Mgr


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