CWG Blog
Welcome to the CWG Blog section.
Here you can find the blog entries from all users. If you want to contribute and blog your own posts, please contact the site administrator.
Thirty Years of the CWG
We just completed the Spring 2024 Configuration Workgroup conference in New Orleans, noteworthy because of its provision of direct contact between customers, partners, and SAP’s various configuration development organizations.
In Memoriam Barry Walton, CWG's favorite photographer and traveler
Many of us have wondered recently about our favorite CWG photographer and world traveler, Barry Walton. Barry was a mainstay of CWG conferences and our community for decades.
With a sad heart and deep sense of loss we just learned of Barry's passing on June 3rd 2019, due to complications with a long term illness. Barry's humor, always cheerful attitude and heroic stories from the olden days of early SAP VC the 1990s will be sorely missed.
Thank You To Everyone in Budapest!
I wanted to take a minute to say:
To all the people in Budapest that took the time to;
- Listen to Lawrence embarress me on stage
- Have a picture taken and provide an indiviual message to me in the Memories book.
I must tell you, the memories book is very special to me. The friends and colleagues I have made over the years mean the world to me..
Best Practices.... In One Place
Well, as usual, I opened my mouth again... If you were in the Question and Answer session of the Budapest CWG (and you really should have been) then you heard me promise to "write something" about the best practices found on the CWG Portal.
There are a BUNCH of gems on the portal... Many of them are contained in a presentation given by Nicole Krull. She gave the same presentation in Berlin and Nashville in 2018.
Find the Nashville version at this link;
Budapest for Beginners
Hi Everyone,
Budapest is my hometown and I love this city. Like every destination, Budapest has also it's specialties. I collected some questions I received regarding Budapest and CWG Conference in Budapest.
If you don't have time to browse through your favourite travel site, maybe you'll find some useful information here.
Best regards,
How to get a cab at the airport?
Music City - Impressions of an Old Dude..
Here we are... A little bit of time after the Nashville CWG Conference.. As some of you may remember, I tend to ramble on about my impressions of each conference I attend.. This is no different..
Drove up to the hotel in the rain. Looked across the street and found this structure;
AVC improvement List 1.0
Hey there!
I know you are looking for as much information as you can get on the AVC..
I have some news for you...
This forum post contains that wonderful information!
I hope you take the time to read it and share it with your VC expert friends!
Hoep to see you in Nashville!
PS... Keep looking out for this little guy;
What Would YOU Do If You Ran the CWG Website?
Not sure about you, but I get frustrated almost every day trying to use various features ofthe CWG Website.
I don't know if or when the CWG Website would ever be redesigned, but I'd like to know what are the top 3-5 things in YOUR mind that you think should change.
So here's your chance..
Tell me in the comments of this blog what you want to change about this CWG Website.
I promise to complain to the CWG Board of Directors to read these comments (assuming you actually make any).
The CWG and Social Media
Hey there...
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've recognized that social media is playing a more important part of our modern lives.
The CWG will begin having a presence in some of those spaces.
For example;
- On Instagram, follow user @sapcwg
- On Twitter, follow the user sapcwg
At this point, there is not much content out there. That will change soon.
Of Sock Puppets and Songs
So there we were in Berlin.
Our Venue Committee chairperson (Nicole Krull) organized a very nice riverboat tour for us on Sunday before the meet and greet;