Howto - Slideshow

The slideshow is a a view. It is only visible for anonymos users on the fronpage. If you want to edit the block you have to navigate to the view itself.


Administer » Site building » Views ---> Gallery (the name of the view).


To add or delete images from the slideshow you have to administrate the image gallery 'slideshow'.

Only drupal_admin can do that.


Anonymus Users have the permission to view the content but not able to see the image gallery page itself.

Howto - Upload Images

We changed the permissions and the process of uploading images.

Now you have to create content from the type image for that.



Select your image title.

Select the gallery where the image should be displayed in.

Select the image.

Leave the body blank.



Thats it now the display is uploaded.


Automaticly frome every picture a thumbnail gets created.

Member Companies

This page presents a partial list of current member companies, grouped by industry. If you would like to have your company represented, please contact us at:

High-Tech Electrical & Automation Furniture & Automotive

Membership Benefits

If the company you work for is already a CWG member, registering yourself as a user on this site will give you access to a wealth of member benefits as described below. If your company is not yet a member of CWG, registering yourself will trigger an approval process for your company as well.

These are some of the member benefits available through the CWG:

CWG Membership

CWG's core mission is to facilitate exchange of information between SAP configuration professionals, SAP employees, and interested public at large. In order to do so effectively and respect legal non-disclosure requirements, we provide the following types of access: