Research on "VC on HANA": care to answer a short survey? Interested in more?


Brief summary: we need your help in finding the most important performance bottlenecks in VC. With this help, we can look at the right places to apply HANA technology and make VC faster. We've created a survey for this, and we'd want to you spend a few minutes answering it.

I still remember that CWG presentation where the presenter stated that VC takes a minute for each roundtrip with their model, and somebody from a competitor company in the audience shouted "What? so little?"...

First live meeting of the South German CWG Chapter

The first live meeting took place on Wednesday 18th of July 2012 at SAP in Walldorf. Participants of 9 CWG member companies (18 people) and 2 guys from SAP took part.

We had a time frame from 1 to 6 p.m.

All the participating companies had prepared presentations on what exactly they do with VC/IPC and adjacent topics within their organisations.

We spent almost all of the time for these very detailed presentations and some discussions around them.

There will be a follow up meeting in late October.




Alexander Auffinger