November 2001 in Miami Beach, USA

CWG Meeting November 2001 in Miami Beach

In autumn 2001 the Configuration Work Group met in Miami Beach. Besides the regular updates from SAP and the CWG Focus Groups, a range of customers gave an introduction of their projects on product configuration. Some presentations, e. g. on potential XML representations for the knowledge base of a configurable product, an overview on the configurator market, and an introduction to the e-Selling solutions of SAP completed the general assembly of the CWG at the first meeting day.

Registration for 2010 European CWG Conference in Vienna, Austria

It’s time once again to get together and absorb the best practices of others and to share the SAP Configuration knowledge we've learned. We're pleased to announce that the Spring 2010 CWG European Conference will be held at the Imperial Riding School Renaissance Hotel in the picturesque & historic city of Vienna, Austria from Monday April 19 through Wednesday April 21, 2010. 

The Conference Planning committee has been hard at work over the past few months securing this fine venue for our conference. We were able to negotiate: 

Is the CWG's World Really Round?

Seems hard to believe that it's been almost 4 years since I wrote about the flatness of our little VC world. Time certainly flys when you're having fun...

In those 4 years, I've spent a fair amount of time talking to various folks in the far eastern portion of the globe. I must admit, when I worte the original CWG Review article (found here; ) I didn't realize just how long it would take to be realized.