Have you seen the news?

Ah, sometimes it's good to be the king...... Wait, I'm not.... But that wonderful line from "History Of The World" always comes to mind when I find out I'm wrong...


I know, it's a warped sense of thinking, but hey, that's me!! I'm sure it has nothing to do with the 1970's.... At any rate....


In this particular case, it comes down to SAP's press release on the maintenance agreement for Business Suite 7 (including ECC 6.0)... If you haven't seen it, go here;

Is There BEER In Your Future?

Hello out there in CWG blogosphere... It seems kind of.... well.... Lonely in the blogosphere... Ah well.... Who knows what mysteries hide in the hearts of configuration professionals.... And more importantly, why they don't write more "stuff" for you to read... I guess I'll just have to step in and fill that void...


A couple of years ago I got told that while reading the portal, an employees boss peered over her shoulder..... And then asked "what's with all the BEER this Schneider guy talks about? Is THAT all that gets discussed at the CWG conferences?"


Registration for 2014 European CWG Conference in Leipzig, Germany

It’s time once again to get together and absorb the best practices of others and to share the SAP Configuration knowledge we've learned. We're pleased to announce that the Spring 2014 CWG European Conference will be held at the Pentahotel (Großer Brockhaus 3, 04103 Leipzig) in the picturesque & historic city of Leipzig, Germany from Sunday May 4 through Wednesday May 7, 2014.