115 Users on the sandbox and reminder for web-based access

CWG Sandbox has been growing steadily, we now have 115 members. In this blog I will also show you how to access the sandbox if you are behind a corporate firewall.

As a reminder, CWG sandbox is an SAP ERP (ECC6) system with pretty much the latest support packs and your CWG membership status entitles you to a free account at the sandbox, request it at:


Social networking in a CWG World

Do you have a LinkedIn account? How about Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc??? If you have an acccount on any of these social applications, have you looked around for anything to do with the profession you are in?

I realize that many  people believe that there is a line between work and social networking. I wonder just how large that chasm is? Do you ever go out to social activities with people you work with? Probably..Why is there that much of a difference between an offline and online social presence?

Your 2009 CWG Goals?

Well, here we are in 2009. We made it through 2008, which was no small accomplishment right?

Happy New Year to you and yours!!

 Have you fully recovered from the New Years parties? Made all your resolutions?

Me, I don't make resolutions. I prefer goals...Why?? Goals tend to actually get done, especially if you write them down..

I typically start the process around November and end it sometime in early December. This year was like most others in that I have 4 primary types of goals;

Is there a Rightsizing in your future?

Like many others, the company I work for has recently announced some more downsizing that will happen in the next couple of months. Not surprising really, given what's going on in the overall economy. As people tend to do, we talk about it at various times during the day. One of those conversations got me back on a soapbox, and I figured why not climb it here too? After all, this can happen to anyone, in any company.

CWG Sandbox Hall of Fame - 96 users and 40 new KMATs on the CWG Sandbox and counting

Some irrational habit held me back from writing this blog entry, waiting for the number of CWG sandbox users to reach 100. But who cares about nice looking round numbers anyways, the fact that CWG sandbox is alive and kicking with 96 registered users is reason enough to celebrate!

An even more interesting  statistic is how many KMATs have been contributed and by whom. To date we have 40 new contributed KMATs and here goes the first ever "CWG Sandbox Hall of Fame" list:

$SUM_PARTS and $COUNT_PARTS Example in the Sand Box

Hi everyone,

I have been roaming the SandBox in the last few days as I was prototyping a way to count up doors for a project I am on.  I have reached a solution for that based on some forum postings that the knowledgable Steve Schneider had contributed on using a "count" characteristic.  However I will save that for another day, as it is nearly midnight and I have to give a demo in the morning.