West Michigan (USA) Chapter

A precedent was made with the formation of a CWG Chapter in Western Michigan (Grand Rapids Area, USA) that began meeting in 2008 and is now meeting about every other month with at least 7 member companies including: Steelcase, Haworth, Siemens, and Whirlpool to name a few.   

Thanks to Steve Schneider and Kevin Meyer, this is a thriving chapter.  The chapter has round table discussions, presentations, challenges for modeling problems, and current updates from SAP and interesting topics from members.   Their meeting is usually scheduled for an afternoon and then always have some networking time after hours.  Meetings are usually hosted by a member company.  A LinkedIn Group has been created for CWG members in the Western Michigan area and is open to CWG Members living and working in the area.

Howto - Create Template

First of all you create a node of the type you would like to create a template for.

Important! The first word in title is "[Template]" and the person for which the Template is designed has to be in as the "author".

Then you create your node as usual. The node has to be published.

After you saved it you straight edit it, because you have to take it away from the front page.

Howto - Workflow for reviewer


As you can see there are some two options for the reviewer.

The decline option:

If you are not satisfied with the content you can decline it. You can also edit the content or write a comment. Then the author will be informed that he has to correct it.


The publish option:

The same as always, except that you have the possibility to set a date an time to publish it.