The latest CWG News...

West Michigan Chapter of the CWG will be meeting in September!

Hello CWG Members,

If you live near the West Michigan area, you are invited to attend our next West Michigan Chapter Meeting occurring on September 13, 2023 from 1:00 to 5:00.  This will be our first in-person meeting in quite a few years and we are excited to be getting together again to network, talk about SAP VC/AVC, and share our experiences.  This meeting is being hosted by Steelcase, located in Grand Rapids MI.

If you would like more information about this meeting, please send an e-mail to:

New value: free videos!

At our past virtual conference, we again had numerous excellent videos, i.e. narrated presentations. These were only accessible to registered conference attendees. The board has now decided to make a small set of the videos available to all CWG members for free on this page! The selection will regularly change, so make sure to come back often.  

New document management module

We have updated the module used for handing documents under "Document Share". For example, the new module now supports downloading whole folders and also managing documents is much easier.

Note: olde rlinks whoch you may find in the forum such as .../webfm_send/...  won't work ay longer. Plase search for the document you are looing for (assuming you know the name) using th search feature. Sorry for inconvenience caused by this change.