Declarative Modeling at SAP Revisited

Presenter Albert Haag

BioDevelopment Architect

CompanySAP AG 

AbstractAt last year's European CWG conference in Berlin a presentation titled "On the Costs and Benefits of Declarative Modelling" included a section on the means of declarative modeling provided by SAP and some perceived limitations. I want to expand on this topic and make a strong plea for the advantages of declarative modeling. As an illustration I want to look at the application "SAP ByD Scope Selection" which allows high-level interactive configuration of an SAP ByD Sytem from a business perspective. In this context I also want to show how some of the perceived disadvantages of purely declarative modeling were mitigated.

Finally, I want to give my view on how declarative modeling at SAP might be done to avoid the limitations brought up at last year's conference.

Audience Advanced: Modeler, Process Expert, Developer, Configuration Mgr/Dir, Product Mgr

PresentationDeclarative Modeling at SAP Revisited Presentation

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